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Enabled (Active Players)

Type: Boolean, default value: false

Enable or disable the active players announcement being sent to Discord

Disable When Noone is Online

Type: Boolean, default value: false

Enable or disable the active players announcement when noone is online.

Sending Period (Active Players)

Type: Int32, default value: 360

Set the number of minutes between a leader board announcement sent to discord. (Default period is 6 hours.)

Include Currently Online Players

Type: Boolean, default value: true

Enable or disable currently online players as part of the active players announcement

Include Unique Players for Today

Type: Boolean, default value: true

Enable or disable unique online players for today as part of the active players announcement

Include Unique Players for the Past Week

Type: Boolean, default value: true

Enable or disable unique online players for the past week (including today) as part of the active players announcement

Include Unique Players from All Time

Type: Boolean, default value: true

Enable or disable unique online players from all time as part of the active players announcement